Del último informe de los Gorozen sobre en qué punto del bull market en mmpp podemos encontrarnos usando anteriores ciclos como guía y del riesgo de vender demasiado pronto: Commodity prices remain radically undervalued relative to financial assets and we have great confidence that we will swing from commodities being radically undervalued to commodities being radically overvalued relative to financial assets at some point in this decade. What will that radically overvalued level be? If the stock market stays at present levels, commodity prices would have to surge 600% to become overvalued relative to the stock market. If the stock market falls 50%, commodity prices would still have to rise 250% for our chart to enter “radially overvalued”territory. The biggest risk for investors is selling too soon. From the bottom in 2020, the ratio of commodities to the Dow Jones Industrial Average has rallied by 40%. Using history, we can compare this move to past cycles. The ratio bottomed in December 1968 and by November 1970 had advanced by 40% -- commodities by 10% while the market fell by 16%. Many investors may have wanted to sell at that point; however the rally was just beginning. Over the next nine years, commodities rallied another 156% and commodity stocks rallied another 400%. Had you sold in 1970 after the index advanced 40%, you would have missed 90% of the rally. In 1999, the index bottomed in June and advanced 40% over the next 12 months –commodities advanced by 33% and the market fell by 4%. At that point, oil was $ 32 on its way to $ 145, gold was $ 289 on its way to over $ 1,000. Over the next 10 years, commodities rallied 150% and resource stocks rallied by 325%. Again, if you had sold in 2000 once the ratio advanced 40%, you would have missed 95% of the rally. As you can see, commodities still have to surge multiple times in price from here before they become overvalued. Given the huge amount of monetary creation that has taken place over the last 14 years and, given that inflation psychology is about to grip both consumers and investors alike, we have great confidence that we are about to transverse from one side of this chart to the other. The great commodity bull market has only started, and investors should us use any resource market pullback as an opportunity to increase their exposure.